This post is a few days late, due to Izzy's big surgery earlier in the week, but I didn't want to miss out on sharing Maddy's check-out day from the Edward NICU. After spending a whopping 70 days in the NICU, it was time for her to come home. It was time to make room for other babies in the NICU and time for someone to occupy the space in the crib under the name, "Madelyn."
Picking up a baby for the second time from the NICU almost seemed routine. It was sort of like, "Oh, you're here to pick up another baby? Here you go. Here's your baby." Relatively, ho-hum if you ask me. Now, that was what it was like on the surface. On the inside, we were on the verge of exploding with excitement, knowing that we'd soon have two of our girls home together.
Madelyn left the NICU weighing a hefty 5 lbs 10 oz, a far cry from her original weight of 2 lbs 8 oz. Also coming home with Maddy, will be prescriptions of both Prevacid and Zantac. She'll be on very small doses, but it kind of stinks that she still needs prescriptions in the post-NICU era. They really do help her though. She has horrible reflux and it's extremely difficult to see her in so much pain after each feeding. The worst is when the grunting comes with spit up through both the mouth and nose. It doesn't happen every time, but it's always tough to watch when it happens, knowing that there's nothing you can do. The nurses tried rice cereal, but its effectiveness wasn't conclusive and one of the docs, who we really trust, told us that recent research shows that it may not make any real difference.
During the last several days at home, she's been doing great! She spits up from time to time, but she takes her medicine. We try to keep her still after she eats for at least 30 minutes, and she seems to be thriving.
Maddy, right before she started wailing from being put in the carseat

We decided to try out our new Baby Trend "single" Snap 'n Go. It works great with the car seats we have and provided us with the ability to use the seats we needed for our triplet stroller (Peg Perego Triplette SW), without having to buy the expensive version of the PP individual stroller system. This Snap 'N Go is pretty much just a frame that fits five or six of the major infant car seat manufacturers. It's lightweight and is perfect when you have just one baby with you. We did get the "double" version, too, so we could easily move around if Meg and I didn't want to push around the Peg Perego bus, but wanted to get out together. These should both be pretty easy to resell on CL, so I kind of think about it like we're paying a rental fee during their use :)

Meg, peeking through the hole in the carrier cover

Buh-Bye NICU!

Our angel, lulled to sleep by the stroller

My aunt Kathy, now a great aunt, came to visit over Halloween weekend. Meg took her to the NICU to see Isabelle and Madelyn over the weekend, then she was able to help out and spend some time with Sophia and Madelyn at home. "Aunt Kathy, come back whenever you want!"

Sisters - Maddy on the left and Sophie on the right

Meg, with two of her girls on Maddy's first night home

I have been following your blog since July and just wanted to let you know that you have been blessed with three beautiful daughters. I used to be NICU nurse and know a few of the doctors over at Edwards and you have some of the best. I wish you nothing but the best and enjoy each and every moment because they grow up all to fast. Congratulations again to both of you and I will continue to pray for Izzy to get strong enough so she can come home with her sisters.
ReplyDeleteCathy Onak
the snap n go was a lifesaver for us when rachel came home. she had so many doctors appointments and that stroller got a ton of use. saved my back from having to lug the car seat everywhere especially in the cold winter months. can't wait to see all three back together again! welcome home, maddy!
ReplyDeleteYeah! So happy for Maddy : ) But I know it must be hard still having Izzy there..I remember how hard it was for Ami when Colton was the last one there. Izzy has lots of people pulling for her to make it home quickly to her sisters!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on having Maddy home! That is wonderful. My daughter had horrible reflux (she eventually outgrew it). The drugs & keeping her upright 24-7 helped a lot. Good luck!